Doug Auld (54); Stan Binne (46); Mike Bradley (59); Don (53) and Mary Bryson; Joe (55) and Judy Capple; Dwight (54) and Lyn Chattaway; Milton Cole (39); Jerry Cooley (55); Dwight (48) and Shirley Ferguson; Jay Gatchett (55); John (48) and Barbara Gridley; Don Henke (55); Jim Ibold (39); Frank Kautz (46); Harold McBride (47); Jim (47) and Faye McCloy; Jim Price (51); Jeff (54) and Janet Ripberger; Okey (43) and Barbara Ripley; Tom Schurter (53); Mike Skrovan (54); George Strayer (58); Sterling Ward (58) and wife; Dick (57) and Sharon Weese; Gordon Whitten (58); Morrie Worcel (55) and daughter Hanna.
Betty Smiddy, College Hill Historical Society. Betty Love, daughter of the late Major Clarence B. Wood, Commandant. Bob Byrd, faculty (54-55) Col. Jim Myers, faculty tactical officer (57-58) Capt. Al Temple, faculty (52-55) |